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Logic level converter generic TXB0104 breakout

Logic level converter generic TXB0104 breakout


This small and simple module gives us a translation of logic level between two signals. In layman’s terms, if we take a signal with logical “unit” on 5V convert into a signal which logical “unit” has on 3.3V this module will help us. Something like this is useful in this case if we want to achieve communication between two devices from whom one works on 5V and the other on 3.3V, or any other combination of voltages. Directly connecting we would “burn” a device that works on 3.3V and a module gives us to avoid that.

This board is specialized for signal conversion for any communication protocol, and for this conversion, it uses a special integrated circuit that enables communication at high speeds.

Max. voltage: 30V

• Number of channels: 4

Communication protocol: any besides I2C

Dimensions: 22 x 22mm