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USB-UART CH340 converter board

USB-UART CH340 converter board


This small USBUART adapter converts USB communication into UART (serial) communication, and everything you might need is already on this small board. In addition to the classic UART pins that are arranged in the standard layout: DTR, RXD, TXD, VCC, CTS, GND, other pins available of the CH340 chip are also available on header: RS232, RI, DCD, DSR, RST and CTS. Indication LEDs show activity on RXT and TXD lines, and a 500mA fuse protects this programmer, the USB port of the computer that is connected, and other devices connected to it from damage.

Additionally, there is a voltage regulator and a switch on the board, and it is possible to choose the output voltage of 3.3V or 5V, depending on the device you are using. The logic of the UART signal is always 3.3V, but don’t worry, 5V devices will work with 3V3 UART logic without any problems. Use a USB-C cable to connect.