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If you’re looking for a microcontroller simple-to-use, yet powerful enough for a wide variety of applications, look no further from our connectplus. From low-power sensor networks to demanding tasks such as streaming music, MP3 encoding, and voice recording, this microcontroller can do it all. Dasduino CONNECTPLUS comes with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.2, which enable low-energy secure connections with data packet length extensions. It uses the powerful ESP32 controller with 4 MB integrated flash and 8 MB integrated PSRAM.
Dasduino CONNECTPLUS is 69 mm wide and 26 mm high. It fits on a standard breadboard for faster prototyping and works for most projects. It offers plenty of external connections with its 30 pins.You can simply connect the board to your computer with the standard USB Type-C cable and program it with Arduino IDE. The easyC port lets you connect the CONNECTPLUS easily with other I2C devices. The JST battery connector and onboard charger lets you make your projects truly wireless. There is more: full RGB WS2812 LED, reset and user button, onboard protections and more. It comes with USB-C cable.
Dasduino CONNECTPLUS (ESP32) options:
The Dasduino CONNECTPLUS comes in 3 versions depending on the method of establishing a connection to the pins:
– without headers
– with male headers
– with female headers