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Butane, LPG & Smoke sensor MQ2 breakout

Butane, LPG & Smoke sensor MQ2 breakout


MQ sensors, including the MQ2 sensor, have the capability to detect various gases. The MQ2 sensor is specifically designed to detect combustible gases such as LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), butane, propane, methane, alcohol, hydrogen, and smoke. These gases are commonly found in residential, industrial, and automotive environments. The sensor’s sensitivity and responsiveness enable it to detect even trace amounts of these gases, making it a valuable tool for gas leakage detection, fire detection, and air quality monitoring applications. It takes a short time to heat up in order to work correctly.

The breakout board works with both digital (DO) and analog signals (AO). The digital output is obtained by setting a threshold value with a potentiometer. The analog output will differ depending on the intensity of the gas.

Product usage tips:

When gas is detected, the LED will start glowing. It will remain off if it doesn’t detect anything. Two mounting holes enable easy mounting to surfaces. The board comes with four pins that need to be soldered.