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Natural gas, LPG sensor MQ5 breakout

Natural gas, LPG sensor MQ5 breakout


Is your office near a high-traffic area? Are you concerned about the amount of natural and liquefied petroleum gases in your work environment? The MQ5 is a simple-to-use sensor to put your mind at ease. It detects gas particles very quickly between 200 and 10000 ppm.

The breakout board works with both digital (DO) and analog signals (AO). The digital output is obtained by setting a threshold value with a potentiometer. The analog output will differ depending on the intensity of the gas.

Product usage tips:

The sensor takes 24 hours to preheat to optimal working temperature. When gas is detected, the LED will start glowing. It will remain off if it doesn’t detect anything. Two mounting holes enable easy mounting to surfaces. The board comes with four pins that need to be soldered.

The breakout board boasts a long life so you don’t have to worry about it suddenly breaking. Submerging the sensor underwater and freezing it will damage it beyond repair. Highly corrosive gases will also damage the sensor.