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CO, flammable gasses sensor MQ9 breakout

CO, flammable gasses sensor MQ9 breakout


We are surrounded by invisible gases everywhere. While we generally don’t have to worry about them, under the right circumstances, they can be very combustible and dangerous. The MQ9 breakout board detects carbon monoxide, methane, propane, and other flammable gases so the right measures can be taken in time. The sensor detects carbon monoxide at 10-1000 ppm and other combustible gasses at 100-10000 ppm.

The digital and analog outs can be found on the through-holes. They are marked as DO and AO respectively. The digital output can be obtained by setting a threshold value with a potentiometer. The analog output will depend on the intensity of the gases.

Product usage tips:

The sensor needs 48 hours to preheat to optimal working temperature. If it detects some gas, the LED will glow. If there are no gases, it will remain off. The board can be attached to the project thanks to the two mounting holes. It comes with four pins that need to be soldered.

Due to its long life, the breakout board can be used for quite some time without a second thought. To prevent damage to the sensor, avoid dipping it in water or freezing it. Highly corrosive gases will weaken the sensor significantly.