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Ozone sensor MQ131 breakout

Ozone sensor MQ131 breakout


The MQ131 sensor’s sensitivity and selectivity enable it to effectively detect and measure ozone levels, making it a valuable tool for applications such as air quality monitoring, ozone generators, and ozone leakage detection systems. By integrating the MQ131 sensor with appropriate electronic circuits and microcontrollers like Dasduino, you can create systems that provide real-time ozone concentration monitoring and trigger alerts when hazardous levels are detected.

The breakout board works with both digital (DO) and analog signals (AO). The digital output is obtained by setting a threshold value with a potentiometer. The analog output will differ depending on the intensity of the gas.

Product usage tips:

When gas is detected, the LED will start glowing. It will remain off if it doesn’t detect anything. Two mounting holes enable easy mounting to surfaces. The board comes with four male headers that need to be soldered.