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Air quality sensor MQ135 breakout

Air quality sensor MQ135 breakout


The MQ135 sensor’s versatility allows it to be used for applications such as indoor air quality monitoring, gas leakage detection, and environmental sensing. While its main target gas is carbon dioxide (CO2), it is also sensitive to a range of other gases including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), alcohol vapors, benzene, smoke, and other harmful gases commonly found in the environment. By integrating the MQ135 sensor with appropriate electronic circuits and microcontrollers like Dasduino, you can create systems that provide real-time monitoring and analysis of gas concentrations, enabling you to take necessary actions for maintaining a healthy and safe environment.

The breakout board works with both digital (DO) and analog signals (AO). The digital output is obtained by setting a threshold value with a potentiometer. The analog output will differ depending on the intensity of the gas.

The MQ135 air quality sensor module operates at 5V and consumes around 150mA. It requires some pre-heating before it could actually give accurate result.