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Alcohol, Ethanol sensor MQ3 breakout with easyC

Alcohol, Ethanol sensor MQ3 breakout with easyC


MQ sensors, including the MQ3 sensor, have the capability to detect various gases. The MQ3 sensor is specifically designed to detect alcohol vapors. This means it is sensitive to alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol. The MQ3 sensor is commonly used for measuring alcohol concentration in the air and serves as a useful tool for alerting to the presence of alcohol in the environment.

It is important to note that MQ sensors are not specific to only one gas and can react to other gases besides the ones they are specifically designed for. Therefore, it is important to use the MQ3 sensor exclusively for alcohol detection and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to achieve optimal accuracy and reliability of measurements. It requires a short time to heat up in order to work correctly.

The breakout board provides digital and analog information through the easyC system. Sensor readings are obtained through easyC.

Product usage tips:

When gas is detected, the LED will start glowing. It will remain off if it doesn’t detect anything. Four mounting holes enable easy mounting to surfaces. The board comes with three male headers.