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Air quality sensor MQ135 breakout with easyC

Air quality sensor MQ135 breakout with easyC


The versatility of the MQ135 sensor allows for its use in applications such as indoor air quality monitoring, gas leakage detection, and environmental sensing. While its main target gas is carbon dioxide (CO2), it is also sensitive to various other gases, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), alcohol vapors, benzene, smoke, and other harmful gases commonly found in the environment. By integrating the MQ135 sensor with appropriate electronic circuits and microcontrollers like Dasduino, you can create systems that enable real-time monitoring and analysis of gas concentrations, allowing you to take necessary actions to maintain a healthy and safe environment.

The MQ135 air quality measurement module operates at 5V and consumes approximately 150mA. It requires some time to heat up before it can provide accurate results.

The breakout board provides digital and analog information through the easyC system. Sensor readings are obtained through easyC.

Product usage tips:

When gas is detected, the LED will start glowing. It will remain off if it doesn’t detect anything. Four mounting holes enable easy mounting to surfaces. The board comes with three male headers.